I began my journey to find my personal magic over ten years ago. My first experience with Tarot was over twenty five years ago. Sue Anthony helped me during my divorce. She helped me to see that part of me that wanted to be seen again. Sue wrote a book that initiated my journey. Since working with her, I have learned from many. Tarot and Astrology are just two of the tools that helped me activate my personal magic. For a few years I have been sharing these tools with my Facebook group, which you can join here https://www.facebook.com/groups/pm111122. It is the Personal Magic Readings with Maria. Each week I do a reading for the group using oracle and tarot cards. The Facebook page: Personal Magic Readings: https://www.facebook.com/pmr.maria holds space for spiritual growth and information.
For years, my clients have heard me talk about their Sun sign or the tarot classes I was enrolled in or taught meditation. It is very convenient to do a reading while your color is processing. Below are the extra services I am now offering at the shop and online. If you are booking your service using the online app, your reading will be at the salon. Feel free to email me if you choose a different location or prefer a zoom reading. I'm available to do readings during off salon hours at my home studio as well.
Natal Chart Reading
We explore where the stars and planets were aligned when you were born and how that affects who you are today. Your date of birth, time and location are necessary for all astrology readings a week in advance. There are many layers to your chart, additional appointments can give you more insight. 1½ Hours
Progressed Moon Reading
The Moon cycles every 2 years which has an impact on your life. Find out what your progressed moon cycle is to help you navigate through your life along with your Sun, Moon and Ascendant sign Reading. These three signs are the most influential in your chart. 1 hour
Astrology and Oracle Card Reading
This entails a card reading using Oracle Cards or Tarot cards to give direction with a customized card spread using your top 3 personal signs (Sun, Rising and Moon) as the foundation. 1 hours

Tarot Readings
Online or face to face reading using Tarot Cards and/or Oracle cards. During our time together, you will receive a customized reading based on the information you share. This can be about your career, relationships, challenges, shadow work, family, full moon or new moon transits. Typically will use zoom for online readings. 1 hour
Tarot Party
Host a memorable, magical and mystical evening with a small group of your friends. The readings are done as a group so everyone gets a reading. The best party is size is no more than 8. If there is time, people who choose can have a private reading. I do charge extra for traveling outside the 30 mile radius. $150 an hour
Year Tarot Reading
This reading gives you an idea of what the new year will bring. It is also designed to help you set goals and intentions that you can manifest into your life all year. 1 1/2 hours

Classes will be held on Mondays at Restorative Wellness Center in Oshkosh WI.
Beginners Tarot Class
Read your own Natal Chart: Learn to read your own natal chart aka birth chart. A natal chart is the blueprint of the sun, moon and planets the day you were born. This will be a 4 week class. Classes start March 3, 2025 at the Restorative Wellness Center. The cost is $125
Advanced Tarot Class
Disclaimer: All services provided are for entertainment purposes only. There are no guarantees or specific outcomes implied or stated. Everyone has free will, which means this is a prescriptive reading, not a predictive reading. These readings are not a substitute for legal, professional, financial or medical advice. I am not a licensed therapist. The only licenses I do carry are a cosmetology and driver license. All sales are final.